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Christmas '08

Monday, 22 December 2008 07:13
It's Christmas week, Brenda and I are up at the lake. The Christmas music is playing in the background as I am typing this. It is going to be a quiet Christmas with just the 2 of us. It seems like Christmas used to be more special, and more simple all at the same time. I was looking through some old pictures (thank Brenda for scanning all of those old pictures) when I came across an old letter to Santa. I guess after Christmas, Santa must have sent it back to my mother to save.

I guess I must have been very good that year since I also came across these pictures. Looks like I got that TCR set. And isn't that a beautiful tree? Dad always picked out a great tree.

Christmas Morning Christmas Morning 2 Christmas TCR Set

I also found a letter to Santa from Dave, I wonder if Santa's Reindeer enjoyed the "karrots?"

{rokzoom title=|Christmas List| album=|xmas08|}images/stories/xmas-08/p00799.jpg{rokzoom}

Oh to be 7 years old again. I am not sure I would even know what to ask for in a letter to Santa now?
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